
Freelancing tips and tricks in 2020

Many will choose to freelance by considering the advantages in freelancing solely, and fail because of that. In this post I will tell you both the pros and cons of the freelancing as a career and how to success by mitigating the risks.

1. Control your time

While freelancing, you are your own boss. So, noone will tell you when to start your work or when to stop it. So plan your time so well, have a proper working schedule and follow it. Don't ever be lazy. Don't ever be late to delivering projects. Take breaks at regular intervals(follow pomodoro) Give some time for your family, they are the reason for you to earn and save money.

2. Work from home

Working from home is a gift, but it can be hard too. You can save time and money that you would have paid for the transport to the workplace. Average american spend 40 minutes, pays 10$ daily to commute to work - CNN Keep yourself motivated everyday. Keep the distractions away In your house, Allocate a room just for work, use it while working only.

3. Dress code

As a freelancer, you can dress the way you want. But make sure you dress shouldn't effect your work. When meeting clients/teammates face to face, inperson or video call, dress as best as you can. People judge your business by your looks, it happens subconsciously. Remember, companies spend millions for making their product attractive, just for overall look.

4. Choice of work

You can choose the projects that you want to work. You can choose the clients that you want to work with. Choose wisely, you want to find your clients on your own. You performance might be bad, if you are not intrested in the work or the client you are working with. You have to invest time and money sometimes to select the client that you will be intrested.

5. Income

As an employee, you will get paid the same even you work less or more than normal. In Freelancing the more you work, the more money you will make. You have the flexibility of choosing your own rate. The profit is completely yours. BUT, you have to find projects for earning a penny. Your ability to find projects and retain a obtained project will count a lot. Income will be inconsistent. Savings are most important than expanding the business.

6. Decision Maker

You will be your own boss. You will be the only reason for your success or failure. You will manage time,amount of work. Whole freedom to work and all responsibilty will be yours(and stress too..☺)

7. Loneliness

Freelancing might become a Lonely business. Great to have a freelancer friend locally. You can share your workplace with him. Be Social.

8. Security

freelancers dont have any employee benefits such as health insurance or retirement plan or even vacations. You have to find your own ways for these. If you live in USA, you have an option: Freelancers Union(A for-profit freelance insurance company). Get advice from others and make your own decision.

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