    "title": "Fix astro RSS error which says that file has invalid or missing frontmatter.",
    "url": "rss-frontmatter-error-markdown",
    "date": "February 26, 2023"
    "title": "Colorful logs in Bash",
    "url": "colorful-logs-in-bash",
    "date": "July 06, 2020"
    "title": "Hello World using Bash Script",
    "url": "hello-world-using-bash",
    "date": "April 26, 2020"
    "title": "Bitcoin Weaknesses & Attacks",
    "url": "bitcoin-vulnerabilities-and-attacks",
    "date": "April 24, 2022"
    "title": "Blockchain Oracles - Introduction - Part 2",
    "url": "blockchain-oracles-intro-2",
    "date": "July 02, 2022"
    "title": "Working with Blockchain Oracles - Introduction",
    "url": "blockchain-oracles-intro",
    "date": "April 24, 2022"
    "title": "Connect to truffle dashboard using ethers.js",
    "url": "connect-to-truffle-dashboard-using-ethersjs",
    "date": "May 04, 2022"
    "title": "GraphProtocol: Encoding & Decoding data and hashes in subgraph",
    "url": "graphprotocol-encoding-and-decoding-data-and-hashes-in-subgraph",
    "date": "May 09, 2022"
    "title": "GraphProtocol: Read IPFS Data in Subgraph",
    "url": "graphprotocol-read-ipfs-data-in-subgraph",
    "date": "January 24, 2023"
    "title": "GraphProtocol: TS2322 null assignment in Subgraph",
    "url": "graphprotocol-ts2322-null-assignment-in-subgraph",
    "date": "March 02, 2023"
    "title": "Store IPFS Hash as Bytes32 in Smart Contracts",
    "url": "ipfs-hash-to-bytes32-to-store-in-smart-contracts",
    "date": "May 21, 2022"
    "title": "What is the difference between msg.sender and tx.origin",
    "url": "msg-sender-vs-tx-origin",
    "date": "July 03, 2022"
    "title": "A program to print NAME and ADDRESS",
    "url": "001-program-to-print-name-and-address",
    "date": "September 12, 2022"
    "title": "A program to print declare variables",
    "url": "002-program-to-print-declare-variables",
    "date": "September 12, 2022"
    "title": "A program to read integer and print it in decimal, octal, and hexadecimal form.",
    "url": "003-program-to-read-integer-and-print-it-in-other-formats",
    "date": "September 14, 2022"
    "title": "A program to read 2 values and explain arithmetic operators (+, -,*,/)",
    "url": "004-program-to-read-values-and-explain-arithmetic-operators",
    "date": "September 13, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain formatted output function PRINTF",
    "url": "005-program-to-explain-formatted-output-function-printf",
    "date": "September 13, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain type casting",
    "url": "006-program-to-explain-type-casting",
    "date": "September 14, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain conditional operator",
    "url": "007-program-to-explain-conditional-operator",
    "date": "September 14, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain sizeof operator",
    "url": "008-program-to-explain-sizeof-operator",
    "date": "September 16, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain increment and decrement operators",
    "url": "009-program-to-explain-increment-and-decerment-operators",
    "date": "September 16, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain bitwise operators",
    "url": "010-program-to-explain-bitwise-operators",
    "date": "September 17, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain shorthand operators",
    "url": "011-program-to-explain-shorthand-operator",
    "date": "September 18, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain comma operator",
    "url": "012-program-to-explain-comma-operator",
    "date": "September 18, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain relational operators",
    "url": "013-program-to-explain-relational-operators",
    "date": "September 18, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain logical operators",
    "url": "014-program-to-explain-logical-operators",
    "date": "September 19, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain SIMPLE IF",
    "url": "015-program-to-explain-simple-if",
    "date": "September 19, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain COMPOUND IF",
    "url": "016-program-to-explain-compound-if",
    "date": "September 20, 2022"
    "title": "A program to find maximum of two numbers using IF ELSE",
    "url": "017-program-to-explain-if-else",
    "date": "September 20, 2022"
    "title": "A program to calculate HRA and DA from Basic Salary",
    "url": "018-program-to-explain-compound-if",
    "date": "September 21, 2022"
    "title": "A program to find largest among three numbers",
    "url": "019-program-to-explain-nested-if",
    "date": "September 21, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain IF ELSE IF ladder",
    "url": "020-program-to-explain-if-else-if-ladder",
    "date": "September 22, 2022"
    "title": "A program to calculate electricity bill by reading units consumed",
    "url": "021-program-to-calculate-electricity-bill-by-reading-units-consumed",
    "date": "September 22, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain SWITCH-CASE-DEFAULT, without using break",
    "url": "022-program-to-explain-switch-case-default-without-break",
    "date": "September 24, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain SWITCH CASE DEFAULT with break",
    "url": "023-program-to-explain-switch-case-default-with-break",
    "date": "September 24, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain SWITCH CASE, which has CASE blocks without statements",
    "url": "024-program-to-explain-switch-case-empty-case-blocks",
    "date": "September 25, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain DO WHILE",
    "url": "025-program-to-explain-do-while",
    "date": "September 25, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain WHILE",
    "url": "026-program-to-explain-while",
    "date": "September 26, 2022"
    "title": "A program to find whether given number is an ARMSTRONG number",
    "url": "027-program-to-check-if-a-number-is-an-armstrong-number",
    "date": "September 26, 2022"
    "title": "A program to find Armstrong numbers below given number",
    "url": "028-program-to-find-armstrong-numbers-below-the-given-number",
    "date": "September 26, 2022"
    "title": "A program to find whether given number is PALINDROME (or) NOT",
    "url": "029-program-to-find-whether-given-number-is-palindrome",
    "date": "September 27, 2022"
    "title": "A program to find Palindrome numbers below given number",
    "url": "030-program-to-find-palindrome-numbers-below-the-given-number",
    "date": "September 27, 2022"
    "title": "A program to find the sum of \"n\" natural numbers (WHILE)",
    "url": "031-program-to-find-the-sum-of-n-natural-numbers",
    "date": "September 30, 2022"
    "title": "A program to find the FACTORIAL value of a given number (DO WHILE)",
    "url": "032-program-to-find-the-factorial-value-of-a-given-number",
    "date": "September 30, 2022"
    "title": "A program to find factorial value for numbers between 1 and 10",
    "url": "033-program-to-find-factorial-value-for-numbers-between-1-and-10",
    "date": "October 04, 2022"
    "title": "A program to find and print sum of individual digits of a given number",
    "url": "034-program-to-find-and-print-sum-of-individual-digits-of-a-given-number",
    "date": "October 04, 2022"
    "title": "A program to find and print REVERSE of a given number",
    "url": "035-program-to-find-and-print-reverse-of-a-given-number",
    "date": "October 09, 2022"
    "title": "A program to print numbers between 1 and 10 (explain FOR)",
    "url": "036-program-to-print-numbers-between-1-and-10-explain-for",
    "date": "October 09, 2022"
    "title": "A program to print natural numbers between 1 and 10 in reverse order",
    "url": "037-program-to-print-natural-numbers-between-1-and-10-in-reverse-order",
    "date": "October 10, 2022"
    "title": "A program to find the sum of even numbers and the sum of odd numbers below 1000",
    "url": "038-program-to-find-the-sum-of-even-numbers-and-the-sum-of-odd-numbers-below-1000",
    "date": "October 10, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain unconditional statement BREAK",
    "url": "039-program-to-explain-unconditional-statement-break",
    "date": "October 11, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain unconditional statement CONTINUE",
    "url": "040-program-to-explain-unconditional-statement-continue",
    "date": "October 11, 2022"
    "title": "A program to print PRIME numbers below 100",
    "url": "041-program-to-print-prime-numbers-below-100-using-for",
    "date": "October 17, 2022"
    "title": "A program to print the format - right angled star triangle",
    "url": "042-program-to-print-the-format-right-angled-star-triangle",
    "date": "October 17, 2022"
    "title": "A program to print the format - inverted row numbers triangle",
    "url": "043-program-to-print-the-format-inverted-row-numbers-triangle",
    "date": "October 18, 2022"
    "title": "A program to print the format - inverted column numbers triangle",
    "url": "044-program-to-print-the-format-inverted-column-numbers-triangle",
    "date": "October 18, 2022"
    "title": "A program to print the format - right aligned column numbers triangle",
    "url": "045-program-to-print-the-format-right-aligned-column-numbers-triangle",
    "date": "October 19, 2022"
    "title": "A program to print the format - column numbers pyramid",
    "url": "046-program-to-print-the-format-column-numbers-pyramid",
    "date": "October 19, 2022"
    "title": "A program to print the format - stars/asterisks pyramid",
    "url": "047-program-to-print-the-format-star-pyramid",
    "date": "October 20, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain GOTO",
    "url": "048-program-to-explain-goto",
    "date": "October 20, 2022"
    "title": "A program to initialize a single dimensional array",
    "url": "049-program-to-initialize-a-single-dimensional-array",
    "date": "October 21, 2022"
    "title": "A program to declare a single dimensional array",
    "url": "050-program-to-declare-a-single-dimensional-array",
    "date": "October 21, 2022"
    "title": "A program to find the sum of array elements",
    "url": "051-program-to-find-the-sum-of-array-elements",
    "date": "October 22, 2022"
    "title": "A program to search an element from a single dimensional array (LINEAR SEARCH)",
    "url": "052-program-to-search-an-element-from-a-single-dimensional-array-linear-search",
    "date": "October 22, 2022"
    "title": "A program to merge two single dimensional arrays into another array",
    "url": "053-program-to-merge-two-single-dimensional-arrays-into-another-array",
    "date": "October 23, 2022"
    "title": "A program to copy single dimensional array into another",
    "url": "054-program-to-copy-single-dimensional-array-into-another",
    "date": "October 23, 2022"
    "title": "A program to append two single dimensional arrays",
    "url": "055-program-to-append-two-single-dimensional-arrays",
    "date": "October 24, 2022"
    "title": "A program to swap two single dimensional arrays",
    "url": "056-program-to-swap-two-single-dimensional-arrays",
    "date": "October 24, 2022"
    "title": "A program to declare two-dimensional array and read the elements into array",
    "url": "057-program-to-declare-two-dimensional-array-and-read-the-elements-into-array",
    "date": "October 24, 2022"
    "title": "A program to find trace of a matrix",
    "url": "058-program-to-find-trace-of-a-matrix",
    "date": "October 24, 2022"
    "title": "A program to print the upper triangle and lower triangle of a matrix",
    "url": "059-program-to-print-the-upper-triangle-and-lower-triangle-of-a-matrix",
    "date": "October 25, 2022"
    "title": "A program to find the maximum element of a matrix",
    "url": "060-program-to-find-the-maximum-element-of-a-matrix",
    "date": "October 25, 2022"
    "title": "A program to search an element in the matrix",
    "url": "061-program-to-search-an-element-in-the-matrix",
    "date": "October 25, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain find transpose of matrix",
    "url": "062-program-to-explain-find-transpose-of-matrix",
    "date": "October 26, 2022"
    "title": "A program to add and subtract two matrices and print resultant matrices",
    "url": "063-program-to-add-and-subtract-two-matrices-and-print-resultant-matrices",
    "date": "October 26, 2022"
    "title": "A program to find the product of two matrices and print the resultant matrix",
    "url": "064-program-to-find-the-product-of-two-matrices-and-print-the-resultant-matrix",
    "date": "October 28, 2022"
    "title": "A program to read a STRING and print it",
    "url": "065-program-to-read-a-string-and-print-it",
    "date": "October 28, 2022"
    "title": "A program to find the length of a string without using library function",
    "url": "066-program-to-find-the-length-of-a-string-without-using-library-function",
    "date": "October 29, 2022"
    "title": "A program to copy one string into another string without using library function",
    "url": "067-program-to-copy-one-string-into-another-string-without-using-library-function",
    "date": "October 29, 2022"
    "title": "A program to concatenate two strings and print the resultant string without using library function",
    "url": "068-program-to-concatenate-two-strings-and-print-the-resultant-string-without-using-library-function",
    "date": "October 30, 2022"
    "title": "A program to compare two strings without using library function",
    "url": "069-program-to-compare-two-strings-without-using-library-function",
    "date": "October 30, 2022"
    "title": "A program to read a string and print it using gets and puts",
    "url": "070-program-to-read-a-string-and-print-it-using-gets-and-puts",
    "date": "October 31, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain string manipulations - Part 1",
    "url": "071-program-to-explain-string-manipulations",
    "date": "October 31, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain string manipulations - Part 2",
    "url": "072-program-to-explain-string-manipulations-2",
    "date": "November 01, 2022"
    "title": "A program to print table of strings",
    "url": "073-program-to-print-table-of-strings",
    "date": "November 01, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain FUNCTION PROTOTYPE",
    "url": "074-program-to-explain-function-prototype",
    "date": "November 01, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain FUNCTION WITHOUT ARGUMENTS and WITHOUT RETURN VALUES",
    "url": "075-program-to-explain-function-without-arguments-and-without-return-values",
    "date": "November 02, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain FUNCTION WITH ARGUMENTS and WITHOUT RETURN VALUES",
    "url": "076-program-to-explain-function-with-arguments-and-without-return-values",
    "date": "November 02, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain FUNCTION WITHOUT ARGUMENTS and WITH RETURN VALUES",
    "url": "077-program-to-explain-function-without-arguments-and-with-return-values",
    "date": "November 03, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain FUNCTION WITH ARGUMENTS and RETURN VALUES",
    "url": "078-program-to-explain-function-with-arguments-and-return-values",
    "date": "November 03, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain LINEAR SEARCH using FUNCTIONS",
    "url": "079-program-to-explain-linear-search-using-functions",
    "date": "November 03, 2022"
    "title": "A program to pass two dimensional array to a function",
    "url": "080-program-to-pass-two-dimensional-array-to-a-function",
    "date": "November 04, 2022"
    "title": "A program to add two dimensional matrices using functions",
    "url": "081-program-to-add-two-dimensional-matrices-using-functions",
    "date": "November 04, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain CALL BY VALUE",
    "url": "082-program-to-explain-call-by-value",
    "date": "November 05, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain CALL BY REFERENCE (address)",
    "url": "083-program-to-explain-call-by-reference-address",
    "date": "November 05, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain how to pass a string to a function",
    "url": "084-program-to-explain-how-to-pass-a-string-to-a-function",
    "date": "November 05, 2022"
    "title": "A program to find factorial of a number using RECURSION",
    "url": "085-program-to-find-factorial-of-a-number-using-recursion",
    "date": "November 05, 2022"
    "title": "A program to print FIBONACCI series using RECURSION",
    "url": "086-program-to-print-fibonacci-series-using-recursion",
    "date": "November 06, 2022"
    "title": "A program to find out GCD of two numbers using RECURSION",
    "url": "087-program-to-find-out-gcd-of-two-numbers-using-recursion",
    "date": "November 06, 2022"
    "title": "A program to declare a structure and access its elements",
    "url": "088-program-to-declare-a-structure-and-access-its-elements",
    "date": "November 07, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain how to use a struct",
    "url": "089-program-to-explain-how-to-use-a-struct",
    "date": "November 07, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain initialization of structures",
    "url": "092-program-to-explain-initialization-of-structures",
    "date": "November 09, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain ARRAY of structures",
    "url": "093-program-to-explain-array-of-structures",
    "date": "November 09, 2022"
    "title": "A program to pass a structure to a function as a parameter and return the structure from the function",
    "url": "094-program-to-pass-a-structure-to-a-function-as-a-parameter-and-return-the-structure-from-the-function",
    "date": "November 10, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain UNIONS",
    "url": "095-program-to-explain-unions",
    "date": "November 10, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain SIMPLE MACROS",
    "url": "096-program-to-explain-simple-macros",
    "date": "November 11, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain macros with ARGUMENTS",
    "url": "097-program-to-explain-macros-with-arguments",
    "date": "November 11, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain NESTED MACROS",
    "url": "098-program-to-explain-nested-macros",
    "date": "November 11, 2022"
    "title": "A program to declare a POINTER and to explain the initialization of pointer",
    "url": "099-program-to-declare-a-pointer-and-to-explain-the-initialization-of-pointer",
    "date": "November 11, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain POINTER with single dimensional array",
    "url": "100-program-to-explain-pointer-with-single-dimensional-array",
    "date": "November 11, 2022"
    "title": "A program to find maximum from an array using pointers",
    "url": "101-program-to-find-maximum-from-an-array-using-pointers",
    "date": "November 12, 2022"
    "title": "A program to read radius and calculate area",
    "url": "102-program-to-read-radius-and-calculate-area",
    "date": "November 12, 2022"
    "title": "A program to read radius and calculate circumference of a circle",
    "url": "103-program-to-read-radius-and-calculate-circumference-of-a-circle",
    "date": "November 13, 2022"
    "title": "A program to search an element in an array using pointers",
    "url": "104-program-to-search-an-element-in-an-array-using-pointers",
    "date": "November 13, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain ARRAY OF POINTERS",
    "url": "105-program-to-explain-array-of-pointers",
    "date": "November 13, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain functions using pointers",
    "url": "106-program-to-explain-functions-using-pointers",
    "date": "November 14, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain POINTERS to STRUCTURE",
    "url": "107-program-to-explain-pointers-to-structure",
    "date": "November 14, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain pointers to functions",
    "url": "108-program-to-explain-pointers-to-functions",
    "date": "November 14, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain FUNCTION with RETURN TYPE POINTERS",
    "url": "109-program-to-explain-function-with-return-type-pointers",
    "date": "November 14, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain POINTERS to STRINGS",
    "url": "110-program-to-explain-pointers-to-strings",
    "date": "November 16, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain POINTERS to POINTERS",
    "url": "111-program-to-explain-pointers-to-pointers",
    "date": "November 16, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain memory allocation",
    "url": "112-program-to-explain-memory-allocation-malloc-and-calloc",
    "date": "November 17, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain BUBBLE SORT using pointers",
    "url": "113-program-to-explain-bubble-sort-using-pointers",
    "date": "November 17, 2022"
    "title": "A program to create a file, perform READ & WRITE operations on it",
    "url": "114-program-to-create-a-file-perform-read-write-operations-on-it",
    "date": "November 17, 2022"
    "title": "A program to copy one file to another",
    "url": "115-program-to-copy-one-file-to-another",
    "date": "November 17, 2022"
    "title": "A program to write integers in a file",
    "url": "116-program-to-write-integers-in-a-file",
    "date": "November 17, 2022"
    "title": "A program to create student FILE",
    "url": "117-program-to-create-student-file",
    "date": "November 17, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain RANDOM ACCESS FILES",
    "url": "118-program-to-explain-random-access-files",
    "date": "November 17, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain MATH HANDLING FUNCTIONS",
    "url": "119-program-to-explain-math-handling-functions",
    "date": "November 17, 2022"
    "title": "A program to copy one structure into another structure",
    "url": "90-program-to-copy-one-structure-into-another-structure",
    "date": "November 08, 2022"
    "title": "A program to explain NESTED STRUCTURE",
    "url": "91-program-to-explain-nested-structure",
    "date": "November 08, 2022"
    "title": "How to declare a variable in C",
    "url": "how-to-declare-a-variable-in-c",
    "date": "November 10, 2019"
    "title": "Program to print name and website",
    "url": "program-to-print-name-and-website",
    "date": "November 10, 2019"
    "title": "Run C/C++ programs with VS Code",
    "url": "run-c-cpp-programs-with-vs-code",
    "date": "July 04, 2020"
    "title": "Inline environment variables in CLI",
    "url": "inline-environment-variables-in-cli",
    "date": "January 16, 2020"
    "title": "Kill the process locking a PORT on Mac/Linux",
    "url": "kill-the-process-locking-a-port-on-mac-linux",
    "date": "December 31, 2021"
    "title": "Maintaining CSS Style States using “Infinite” Transition Delays",
    "url": "maintaining-css-style-states-using-infinite-transition-delays",
    "date": "April 29, 2020"
    "title": "How to use preload script in electron",
    "url": "how-to-use-preload-script-in-electron",
    "date": "January 15, 2020"
    "title": "Setup to create an Electron app using create-react-app",
    "url": "setup-to-create-an-electron-app-using-create-react-app",
    "date": "February 26, 2023"
    "title": "Solved window.require is not a function in Electron app",
    "url": "solved-windowrequire-is-not-a-function-in-electron-app",
    "date": "January 15, 2020"
    "title": "Common mistakes that freelancers will make",
    "url": "common-mistakes-that-freelancers-will-make",
    "date": "September 21, 2020"
    "title": "Freelancing tips and tricks in 2020",
    "url": "freelancing-tips-and-tricks-in-2020",
    "date": "October 28, 2021"
    "title": "Solved Gatsby error:  Encountered duplicate defintitions for one or more documents: each document must have a unique name. Duplicated documents",
    "url": "solved-gatsby-error-encountered-duplicate-defintitions",
    "date": "November 10, 2019"
    "title": "Gatsby Error - field type \"String\" - working with images",
    "url": "solved-gatsby-error-field-cover-must-not-have-a-selection-since-type-string-has-no-subfields",
    "date": "February 20, 2020"
    "title": "wrapPageElement vs wrapRootElement - Detail Guide - When to Use?",
    "url": "wrappageelement-vs-wraprootelement-detail-guide-when-to-use",
    "date": "July 12, 2020"
    "title": "Compare two git commits using GIT CLI",
    "url": "compare-two-git-commits-using-git-cli",
    "date": "February 22, 2020"
    "title": "Creating a global gitignore file",
    "url": "creating-a-global-gitignore-file",
    "date": "May 04, 2020"
    "title": "GIT - Add modified/new files to staging in GIT CLI",
    "url": "git-add-modified-new-files-to-staging-in-git-cli",
    "date": "February 20, 2020"
    "title": "GIT - Adding alias to a GIT command",
    "url": "git-adding-alias-to-a-git-command",
    "date": "February 15, 2020"
    "title": "Git Clone - Complete guide to cloning repositories with Git CLI",
    "url": "git-clone-complete-guide-to-cloning-repositories-with-git-cli",
    "date": "February 18, 2020"
    "title": "Git Commit - Complete Guide to committing your files in GIT CLI",
    "url": "git-commit-complete-guide-to-commiting-your-files-in-git-cli",
    "date": "February 16, 2020"
    "title": "GIT - Creating new branch using GIT CLI",
    "url": "git-creating-new-branch-using-git-cli",
    "date": "February 20, 2020"
    "title": "GIT - How to add a new remote using GIT CLI",
    "url": "git-how-to-add-a-new-remote-using-git-cli",
    "date": "February 17, 2020"
    "title": "Git status show folders only, hide files in the log",
    "url": "git-status-show-folders-only-hide-files-in-the-log",
    "date": "February 22, 2020"
    "title": "Git Tags - Complete guide to use tags with GIT CLI",
    "url": "git-tags-complete-guide-to-use-tags-with-git-cli",
    "date": "February 14, 2020"
    "title": "How to setup bash auto completion(GIT & NPM) on Windows",
    "url": "how-to-setup-auto-completion-on-windows",
    "date": "January 29, 2020"
    "title": "Manage multiple GitHub accounts using SSH keys",
    "url": "manage-multiple-github-accounts-using-ssh-keys",
    "date": "January 27, 2020"
    "title": "Push a tag to git repo using CLI",
    "url": "push-a-tag-to-git-repo-using-cli",
    "date": "December 29, 2019"
    "title": "Use GitHub with SSH - Complete guide including VSCode setup",
    "url": "use-github-with-ssh-complete-guide-including-vscode-setup",
    "date": "January 24, 2023"
    "title": "Using LF instead of CRLF on Windows",
    "url": "using-lf-instead-of-crlf-on-windows",
    "date": "February 26, 2023"
    "title": "Gulp task never finishes, says Starting... what to do?",
    "url": "gulp-task-never-finishes-what-to-do",
    "date": "February 01, 2020"
    "title": "Download multiple files at once using IDM",
    "url": "download-multiple-files-at-once-using-idm",
    "date": "December 31, 2021"
    "title": "Capitalize the first letter of a String in JavaScript",
    "url": "capitalize-the-first-letter-of-a-string-in-javascript",
    "date": "March 02, 2020"
    "title": "Check if a number is Integer in JavaScript",
    "url": "check-if-a-number-is-integer-in-javascript",
    "date": "March 01, 2020"
    "title": "Code Snippet — Accessing Clipboard Images with Javascript",
    "url": "code-snippet-accessing-clipboard-images-with-javascript",
    "date": "January 11, 2020"
    "title": "Comparision of time and space complexities of Sorting Algorithms",
    "url": "comparision-of-time-and-space-complexities-of-sorting-algorithms",
    "date": "June 05, 2020"
    "title": "Creating a random number inside a range in JavaScript",
    "url": "creating-a-random-number-inside-a-range-in-javascript",
    "date": "February 21, 2020"
    "title": "Current Date and Time in JavaScript",
    "url": "current-date-and-time-in-javascript",
    "date": "March 04, 2020"
    "title": "Display javascript object in JSON format in the UI",
    "url": "display-javascript-object-in-json-format-in-the-ui",
    "date": "April 01, 2020"
    "title": "Filter array using a condition in JavaScript",
    "url": "filter-array-using-a-condition-in-javascript",
    "date": "February 29, 2020"
    "title": "Filter unique elements from an Array using modern JavaScript (ES6)",
    "url": "filter-unique-elements-from-an-array-using-modern-javascript-es6",
    "date": "February 12, 2020"
    "title": "Get ISO datetime string in JavaScript",
    "url": "get-iso-datetime-string-in-javascript",
    "date": "March 04, 2020"
    "title": "How to get the user IP on the server",
    "url": "how-to-get-the-user-ip-on-the-server",
    "date": "February 11, 2020"
    "title": "How to sort object keys based on values?",
    "url": "how-to-sort-object-keys-based-on-values",
    "date": "August 01, 2020"
    "title": "Identify browser using userAgent",
    "url": "identify-browser-using-useragent",
    "date": "February 26, 2023"
    "title": "Inserting element in the array(beginning, middle or end)",
    "url": "inserting-element-in-the-arraybeginning-middle-or-end",
    "date": "March 26, 2020"
    "title": "Let VSCode know about absolute imports",
    "url": "let-vscode-know-about-absolute-imports",
    "date": "September 08, 2022"
    "title": "Modulo(remainder) operator in JavaScript",
    "url": "modulo-remainder-operator-in-javascript",
    "date": "March 06, 2020"
    "title": "Remove extra spaces in a string in JavaScript",
    "url": "remove-extra-spaces-in-a-string-in-javascript",
    "date": "March 06, 2020"
    "title": "Remove non-numeric characters from a string - JavaScript",
    "url": "remove-non-numeric-characters-from-a-string",
    "date": "April 01, 2020"
    "title": "Rest and Spread operators in JavaScript",
    "url": "rest-and-spread-operators-in-javascript",
    "date": "March 09, 2020"
    "title": "Sort array of numbers/strings in ascending or descending order.",
    "url": "sort-array-of-numbers-strings-in-ascending-or-descending-order",
    "date": "June 29, 2020"
    "title": "String Interpolation - ES6 Template Literals in JavaScript",
    "url": "string-interpolation-es6-template-literals-in-javascript",
    "date": "February 13, 2020"
    "title": "Substring vs. slice in JavaScript",
    "url": "substring-vs-slice-in-javascript",
    "date": "March 09, 2020"
    "title": "Trim spaces for String in JavaScript",
    "url": "trim-spaces-for-string-in-javascript",
    "date": "October 07, 2019"
    "title": "Ways to Split strings in JavaScript",
    "url": "ways-to-split-strings-in-javascript",
    "date": "March 09, 2020"
    "title": "Testing asynchronous code using Jest",
    "url": "testing-asynchronous-code-using-jest",
    "date": "May 05, 2020"
    "title": "MDX ― Markdown inside a (JSX)React component",
    "url": "mdx-markdown-inside-a-react-component",
    "date": "December 29, 2019"
    "title": "How to create and start a MongoDB Replica Set?",
    "url": "how-to-create-and-start-a-mongodb-replica-set",
    "date": "December 30, 2020"
    "title": "NodeJS - Securing Through Cryptography",
    "url": "nodejs-securing-through-cryptography",
    "date": "May 01, 2022"
    "title": "Run shell scripts using npm script",
    "url": "run-shell-scripts-using-npm-script",
    "date": "December 15, 2019"
    "title": "Validate url using NodeJS",
    "url": "validate-url-using-nodejs",
    "date": "April 23, 2020"
    "title": "What is NodeJS",
    "url": "what-is-nodejs",
    "date": "April 25, 2020"
    "title": "npmignore vs gitignore ― Which one to use?",
    "url": "npmignore-vs-gitignore-which-one-to-use",
    "date": "December 29, 2019"
    "title": "Publish npm package with GitHub Actions",
    "url": "publish-npm-package-with-github-actions",
    "date": "January 12, 2020"
    "title": "Demo of componentDidMount using useEffect, using API",
    "url": "demo-of-componentdidmount-using-useeffect",
    "date": "March 30, 2020"
    "title": "Manage state using useState hook",
    "url": "manage-state-using-usestate-hook",
    "date": "March 29, 2020"
    "title": "10 tips to learn and remember online courses",
    "url": "10-tips-to-learn-and-remember-online-courses",
    "date": "July 31, 2020"
    "title": "Differences between braces, parentheses and square brackets",
    "url": "differences-between-braces-parentheses-and-square-brackets",
    "date": "April 15, 2021"
    "title": "Torrent Terminology",
    "url": "torrent-terminology",
    "date": "July 26, 2020"
    "title": "What is Hyper-V?",
    "url": "what-is-hyper-v",
    "date": "September 22, 2020"
    "title": "What is website mirroring?",
    "url": "what-is-website-mirroring",
    "date": "September 22, 2020"
    "title": "How to change MySQL Server timezone?",
    "url": "how-to-change-sql-server-timezone",
    "date": "February 11, 2020"
    "title": "Configuring a TypeScript project using tsconfig.json",
    "url": "configuring-a-typescript-project-using-tsconfigjson",
    "date": "April 26, 2020"
    "title": "How to run your TypeScript code",
    "url": "how-to-run-your-typescript-code",
    "date": "April 26, 2020"
    "title": "What is TypeScript?",
    "url": "what-is-typescript",
    "date": "April 26, 2020"
    "title": "Creating a new VueJS project using @vue/cli",
    "url": "creating-a-new-vuejs-project-using-vue-cli",
    "date": "March 31, 2020"
    "title": "Fixed: v-data-table infinite update loop in component render function error in testing",
    "url": "fixed-v-data-table-infinite-update-loop-in-component-render-function-error-in-testing",
    "date": "May 06, 2020"
    "title": "Input TextField with DatePicker using Vuetify(supports Tab and click operations)",
    "url": "input-textfield-with-datepicker-using-vuetify",
    "date": "September 08, 2022"
    "title": "Script to get accentColor of a website",
    "url": "accentcolor-script",
    "date": "March 31, 2020"
    "title": "Succinct guide to SEO",
    "url": "seo-full-guide",
    "date": "February 27, 2023"
    "title": "Subgraph Development Tips and Tricks - Graph Protocol",
    "url": "subgraph-development-tips-and-tricks",
    "date": "February 28, 2023"
    "title": "Delete the undeletable folder using Command Prompt on Windows",
    "url": "delete-the-undeletable-folder-using-command-prompt-on-windows",
    "date": "July 06, 2020"
    "title": "File Recovery on Windows",
    "url": "file-recovery-on-windows",
    "date": "June 29, 2020"
    "title": "Common errors: Installing Windows 10 without disk(or any) errors",
    "url": "install-windows-10-without-diskor-any-errors",
    "date": "May 02, 2020"
    "title": "Cipher: Overwrite memory to make the deleted files unrecoverable",
    "url": "overwrite-memory-to-make-the-deleted-files-unrecoverable",
    "date": "June 29, 2020"
    "title": "How to create a custom 404 page on Zeit Now(zeit.co)",
    "url": "how-to-create-a-custom-404-page-on-zeit-now-zeit-co",
    "date": "January 29, 2020"